Getting Back on Your Feet After Partner Betrayal—Finding Yourself Again!
No one would have ever wanted this to happen to you.
But it has, and navigating through the 3 stages of partner betrayal requires safety, anger, grief work and transformation.
- Partners wonder who they have been living with and question the reality of their lives.
- Sexual wounding more than likely has caused you to doubt yourself and your worthiness. It has left you in a trauma state that makes you question whether you will psychologically rebound from this chaos.
In our opening general session, Carol the Coach will help you build safety back into your life so that you can do the all-important work of moving through the stages of anger, grief, mourning and loss for everything that has happened to you. She will inspire you to find the resources to rebuild your self-confidence, allowing you to take back your life and live the life you deserve regardless of whether you choose to stay with him or not. Carol will remind you that you can do hard things and come out victorious with God’s help!