Please join me at Restoring Hearts 2018 – Saturday, April 7th!
By Karen Crawford
Women’s Ministries Director
Prodigals International
We are excited to announce that our 2018 Restoring Hearts attendees will be blessed and filled with hope with the humor and grace of our keynote speaker Vickie Tiede!

Vicki Tiede
Author, Bible Teacher, National Speaker
The author and co-author of several profound books on healing including When Your Husband is Addicted to Pornography … Healing Your Wounded Heart and Your Husband is Addicted to Porn: Healing After Betrayal, Vicki is an inspiring Bible teacher and conference speaker who has been through the painful dark days of sexual betrayal and moved through to a place of healing, peace and renewal. Her passion is to open the Scriptures with women in order to share God’s grace and enduring faithfulness.
More than 170 women gathered together at our 2017 conference. I’m praying for 200 this year!
Watch for more information in the coming weeks as we announce our NEW BREAKOUT SESSIONS for 2018, and please engage with our Facebook page and blog for encouragement, updates and SHAREABLE content.
Until then, please join me in praying for the women who will join us this year – both old friends and new – asking God for his presence of peace and restoration in their hearts.
Yours in Service and Friendship,
Karen Crawford
Women’s Director
Restoring Hearts Women’s Conference is a day of hope and healing for women who are facing the startling discovery of their husband’s sexual unfaithfulness – from pornography use to extramarital affairs – as well as for women who have been dealing with this issue long-term.
Our 2018 conference is Saturday, April 7th at Westminster Chapel.
Explore 2018 Breakout Sessions
Ticketing & Registration Information